It’s Not Too Late to Write to Congress About the Disastrous Rule Change
What happens when you try to push a dangerous policy through without the Internet noticing? The Internet fights back.
A few days ago, we warned of an impending rule change that would dramatically increase law enforcement’s authority to hack into computers. We encouraged people, organizations, and companies to add a special banner to their websites for one day, calling on Congress to stop the updates to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Today, the Internet has come out in full force. Dozens of websites are running the “Reject the Rule 41 Proposal” banner. Over 50 organizations and companies have joined EFF in signing a letter to Congress (PDF), including Tor, the Open Technology Institute, R Street Institute, DuckDuckGo, Google, PayPal, and many others. Most importantly, thousands of you have already spoken out to Congress, urging lawmakers to take action before it’s too late.
Tell Congress: Stop the changes to Rule 41.
If Congress does nothing, then the rule change will automatically go into effect on December 1, dramatically expanding law enforcement’s authority to hack computers both inside and outside the United States.
A bipartisan group of senators has introduced the Stopping Mass Hacking Act (S. 2952), which will keep the rule change from taking effect. Sen. Ron Wyden, the bill’s sponsor, posted a video message on Twitter explaining why it’s essential that Congress pass the Stopping Mass Hacking Act.
If the updates to Rule 41 take effect, this massive expansion of power will affect Internet users all over the world. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to write to Congress today or sign our petition if you live outside of the United States.
Dozens of fellow users’ rights organizations are also speaking out today against the Rule 41 changes. Here are just a few of them.
- Access Now: What is this “Rule 41” and why am I hearing so much about it?
- ACLU: Take Action to Stop FBI Mass Hacking
- Demand Progress: The DOJ and FBI want permission to hack into computers all over the world. Only Congress can stop it.
- Government Accountability Project: GAP Joins Coalition to Oppose Changing “Rule 41” to Safeguard Americans’ Privacy Rights
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers: Congress should stop government hacking and protect the Fourth Amendment
- Niskanen Center: A Day of Action in Opposition to Rule 41
- Open Technology Institute: OTI Joins Over 45 Groups & Companies for Day of Action to Say No to Rule 41 Changes
- Tor: Day of Action: Stop the Changes to Rule 41